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Hacked by …

Well yes, some of my WordPress sites  got hacked!  So it cost me some 10h work. To what gain ? The hacker proclaims that he helps the Palestine cause and will continue hack sites until Palestine is freed.

I gladly help in that cause but the use of hacking peoples sites seems a bit odd for me. The hack was visible a few hours before I took them down so the gain is minimal, and my frustration is bigger.

So next time contact me instead and I will gladly help out!

We live in Sweden!!!

Passed the Grand central bus station a morning. It was 4 Celsius (39 F) not cold at all! To my stunning eyes I found these infra-heaters above the pavement. Couldn’t find the power reading but I would guess at least 4kW

WE LIVE IN SWEDEN, Get dressed!!!

hard to work with energy-efficiency when there is so many stupid decisions made. I donate my gloves and cap.

Keynote speech, with video links

Being a keynote speaker…. I have had so many sessions through my life but never been a keynote speaker. I must say it is with great honour.

More info on the conference  gogo6live conference

Many very talented people attended
To hear me speaking

Everything was live streamed to a broader audience online two

The conference was very interesting and my keynote slides are on slideshare

Interview after the conference

Video of the keynote speech

Doing meetups!

I love the platform it’s really getting the right people to the right spot at the right time.

As a engaged person I love talking to other engaging people and the meetups I’ve been to and the one’s I have organised is just about that. we have so many ways of communication in these days but the meeting between people are still the best way to ”get things done” and inspire each other. I would have loved to be able to participate in all at the same time being allower the world at the same time.

If you havent registered yet do it now on and find an interesting topic and join an evening meeting on any topic.

I’ve participated in

The-San-Francisco-Internet-of-Things-Meetup Design talks

I’ve organized/presenting

XMPP and the internet of things London meetup

Python IoT hacking with XMPP

IoTStockholm chatty things

pysthlm Big data

SF bay area XMPP chattering things

Living with Evplugin

Been using my Prius Ev plug-in since December and it getting good results. I’m using 0,3 litre / 10 kilometre petrol and 335 Wh / 10 kilometre gives me a total cost in swedish kr of 5,04 kr. The trick of being able to charge is of course one of the major issues.

This is the way to charge at IKEA uppsala.


Contact me if you need a GSM connected electricitymeter to measure all the electricity you charge. (The extra grey box on the charging cable)

Chatty things

Being at the Advanced Energy Conference 2013. I started to use the term chattering things or chatty things this is a very good abstract view of whats happening in the Internet of Things world.

The billion devices that is to be connected will in classical way be connected to private clouds which is just somewhat better than the old legacy, proprietary protocols. We are getting an exploding number of slightly different web api’s. Creating new web mashup services will therefor never happen since you need to support so many protocols.

The solution is to leverage the instant message paradigm and the standard. To be used by all things letting them chat with each other. A sensor can be friend with an actuator regardless of its origin or business domain. A humidity sensor in an alarm system could then easily be connected to the ventilation system.

When these chattering things are available in an interoperable way there truly is a possibility for real smart energy services to happen without the need of adding more hardware. You just let the sensor doing a friend request to the energy service. The just let them start chitchatting.

True interoperability in smart homes

Historically there has been numerous unifying architectures that “solves everything”. In the era of smart homes and buildings, technologies such as Lonworks and KNX, promise to give a solution for connecting everything. But that is only true as long as everybody adheres to the same technology and as we know that will never happen!

Only IP has managed to be the common denominator, regardless of the communication layer. Regardless how good the proprietary technology is for example zigbee and KNX, they all need an IP-gateway. Even equipment in buildings such as pumps and fans start to have IP connectivity instead of proprietary communication buses. In later years the thrive to connect things to the Internet, all players have created IP based connectivity to cloud services.

To bridge between business sectors and protocols different middleware projects has emerged. OSGI was one of the first, a big one at the moment. These are all good intentions but they all fail due to the large implementation work to comply to the middleware framework. Developers tends to go for the “cheapest solutions” skipping good designed frameworks for easy hacked tools.

I’m now taking part in the fantastic development of a solution that actually can be the solution using XMPP to solve real interoperability between business silos take a look at the project and the effort att code available at github